Sunday, January 17, 2010

Technical Fouling

Today is my first blog post.

Let me introduce myself....I am a 24 year old college graduate from South Carolina and have never been known to hold back anything. The old adage comes into play, Good Guys finish last, and therefore I will be known as the Bad Guy of the Blogworld...Lol.

Well Today is Sunday, Jan. 17 2010

Today myself and my team suffered a devastating loss to the Minnesota Vikings. It was heart wrenching and devastating to watch my football season come to an end. On the bright side, I know what we have to do in the offseason to make us a better football team. For One More Time this Football Season....COWBOY NATION!!!

On a brighter the older I get I think the more important it is to spend time with family and friends. We celebrated my friend's birthday and I must say alcohol was involved. Always remember Great Times with Great People make Great Stories.

As my first blog comes to an end...I have new SuperBowl predictions...New Orleans Saints vs. Indianapolis Colts.

Looking Forward to the Next Post....might be a video blog included